18 Feb AI Won’t Make Software Engineers Obsolete — But Our Teaching Methods Might
By Roos Peters
A few weeks ago, I met up with my university friends. We studied Sociology together in Groningen, but today, our careers couldn’t be more different — one works in sports, another in healthcare, one in corporate business, and another fights for migrant workers’ rights. We’re all sociologists, yet none of us really are.

People never ask me whether Sociology is still relevant. Sure, some roll their eyes and call it wishy-washy, but they don’t question its place in education. At Codam, where I work in tech education, I hear a very different question almost daily: With AI advancing so quickly, is it still necessary to teach software engineering?
The answer is yes – absolutely but not in the way we used to do it.
But before we discuss how programming should be taught, let’s talk about why the question is wrong in the first place.
With AI advancing so quickly, is it still necessary to teach software engineering? The answer is yes—absolutely. But not the way we used to do it.
First, and this should be obvious: when education is done well, it is never just about acquiring a technical skill. A doctor doesn’t just learn how to operate—they learn to become a doctor. A psychology student doesn’t have to become a therapist, but they are trained to understand the human mind. At Codam, we always say: learning to program is just an excuse for learning how to learn. Education isn’t about mastering a single skill; it’s about shaping people to contribute to society—both economically and as engaged, thinking individuals.
Second, let’s be honest: most people in the Netherlands have no real understanding of what computer science or AI actually are. By questioning the relevance of teaching programming, they create an excuse not to engage with it. It’s like when smartphones replaced paper maps — some people resisted at first, but eventually, navigating the world without one became unthinkable. The same is happening with AI and automation.
Or maybe this is just the Dutch way: Doe maar gewoon normaal, dat is goed genoeg.
The truth is, what we’re doing today isn’t good enough. The US, China, and the rest of the world are racing ahead, embracing technology at full speed. If we don’t care, fine — but our children will. Because like it or not, technology isn’t going away. Ignoring it won’t stop it from shaping our lives.
So let’s start taking software engineering education — and education in general — more seriously. It shouldn’t be about the latest programming language or the newest Large Language Model. It should be about equipping people with the skills to navigate a world where routine tasks are automated, and human connection, creativity, and problem-solving matter more than ever.
Hopefully in not too many years from now, when my friends and I meet again, digital literacy will be as obvious as reading and writing. Not because everyone became a software engineer, but because we finally stopped treating education as a checklist of skills — and started preparing people for the world they actually live in.