The object of the Foundation is to fund and provide free skills education to students aged 18 and older in computer coding, software development and operational development to better prepare the students for future employment.
There is a real demand for technical skills and an opportunity to equip young people with these skills to find meaningful employment. Young people apply to Codam from a range of different backgrounds and some who have never previously thought about programming or who have no qualifications.
The majority of the current funding is provided by the Sofronie Foundation which is personally funded by Corinne Vigreux and approved by grant via the Codam and Sofronie Board of Trustees. Codam accepts general donations for operations and partners with business to support eligible students.
Corinne Vigreux Chairperson
Harold Goddijn Board member
Lisette Huyskamp Board member
Lex van Dam Board member
Marc Peters Board member
The authority to represent the Foundation/Stichting is vested in two directors acting jointly.
All Board members volunteer their time and do not receive any remuneration. They are entitled to be reimbursed for reasonable expenses in line with their attendance at meetings.
Staff employed to manage and operate the learning facility will be paid according to local market rates and in accordance with statutory requirements. Salaries will be reviewed annually.
Codam continues to produce high quality software engineering education. The success of our students can be measured by the employment success of our graduates.
The team at Codam has supported 400 students in 2023 and all our graduates move into jobs. We continue to focus on increasing female representation and diverse groups within the student cohort and currently our female population is 29%. Codam continues to work towards increasing this representation.
In 2024, Codam is seeking business partnerships to strengthen work pathways for students and build investment to scale access to the curriculum. Codam will be celebrating their 5th year Anniversary “Lustrum” in spring 2024 and will embrace a new phase of growth and development. Welcoming partnerships to enhance and build future investment and increase our impact on the careers of our students and build a bigger future for Codam and Codam’s students.
The contribution of our board is greatly appreciated especially our long serving members who depart in September 2024. We thank them for their commitment, and we wish them well. A warm welcome to the new incoming board for 2024.